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Polymer Links

Welcome to Polymerlinks.com! You are at the right place to refresh and update your knowledge on plastics. Polymerlinks is the best plastic industrial database portal and the perfect link between the individuals and the Plastics World. Our information directory features abundant links to Plastics Machinery, Material, Mould manufacturers, Mould Designers, Software packages for Plastics industry and lot more information on 160 categories of plastics. Our Search Engine will help you to narrow your results to companies that fit certain keyword descriptions, categories based on your requirement and geographic locations. The Discussion forum here helps you to post questions, get answers and share your technical knowledge to the rest of the plastic world.

Polymerlinks.com is a unique website for the plastic industry to get their messages across and to exchange information. It enables individuals to search for a broad set of information in their area of focus. It enables effective knowledge sharing through discussion forums. Polymerlinks.com is a significant player in enhancing the use of technology to build a plastic community. It comprises of a high profile of advisors from the industry and the academia.

Our Advisory Panel :
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Frick
Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Germany Dr. S. Balakrishnan
Department of Chemistry,
Howard University,
Mr. A. K. Gaur
Chief Executive Officer
SRF Polymers Ltd, India Prof. Dr. -Ing. Harald Kaiser
Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Karl-Hans Leyrer
Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Germany Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Wippenbeck
Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Dr. Werner Simon
Process Development
Automotive Lighting Reutlingen GmbH, Germany Mr. Wolfram Goerlitz
Market Development
Ticona GmbH, Germany

Our Management Panel :
T.K. Palanisami – Head of Business More...
Dan Venkatesan – Head of Operations
Thirumurugan Ramasamy – Head of Technology More...

The Opportunity

The Plastics industry is growing at a rapid pace. The industry has spread to every corner of the world. In the fast changing world, knowledge sharing is more important than ever. The industry can no longer just rely on conventional means to share information. The plastic industry by itself is so huge that if proper channel is not used, the message can easily get lost. Interested in knowing more about getting your message across to the plastic world through an effective and also cost efficient medium!

What do we offer

* Access to channelled information of the different categories in the directories of plastics industry
* Search to narrow down the results that best represents their search
* Website requests the customer to submit their profile to register
* Customer can now access the discussion forums and the bulletin board
* Customers can access University and job details related to the plastic industry
* Registered customers receive monthly newsletters keeping them abreast of the happenings in the plastic industry

Benefits to the customer

* Access to the gateway of the plastic world

* One stop center for abundant information about the plastic industry

* Eliminates the need to do a generic search (unlike other generic search engines)

* Acts as a forum to ask questions and get answers

* Resource to build a network with professionals across the globe

* Provides information about Universities around the globe, offering degrees and courses in plastics

* Provides access to career opportunities in the plastic industry around the globe

Benefits to the partners

* Acts as a channel to attract the best talent around the globe to fill any job opening

* Acts as a resource to share updated information about degrees and courses offered by Universities

* Provides a resource to register and advertise plastic related conference events

* Provides a platform to sell equipments

* Provides a platform to post plastics related news

Benefits to the advertising companies

* Best returns on your online sales and marketing investment

* Enables targeted advertising

* Reduces the cost of conventional advertising

* Empowers advertising both on a regional and global basis

* Enables customer profiling

* Allows mass customization of advertisement

* Cost of advertisement depends on success factor

* Instant increase of traffic to your business website

Advertising procedure

* Contact Polymerlinks.com and sign an agreement for advertisement

* Your company will be provided detailed information about polymerlinks.com average hits and sessions per day/week/month/year

* Polymerlinks.com can work with your company in identifying the location and the design of advertisement

* Once the business relationship between your company and polymerlinks.com is established, you can choose any of this packages for advertising

* Banner advertising

* Impression advertising

* Flat fee advertising

* General rotation banner advertising

* Button advertising

Polymer Links