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Clay Extrusion Books

Ceramic Extruder For The Studio Potter

List Price: $19.80 20% OFF
Our Price: $15.84

149 pages, 238 B&W illustrations, 8.5"x11" paperback
John Conrad
A new book, this is an excellent technical manual on using the extruder.  It provides clearly illustrated, detailed information on the extruding process, selecting and extruding clay, proper design and construction of dies and altering and building with extruded forms.  Hundreds of die patterns, feedback on commercial extruders, and how to build your own.  Covers 9 varieties of extruders, home made and commercial, pugmills, expansion box, how to techniques, die materials, hollow extrusions, cutting clay, multi use dies, more.

Ceramic Extruding, Inspiration & Technique

List Price: $29.95 20% OFF
Our Price: $23.96

1144 pages, 200 color photos, 8.25"x11" paperback, May 2001
Tom and Jean B. Latka
Most ceramists own a pugmill or hand extruder and view it as simply a utilitarian device for making handles or coils.  But the extruder can be the starting point for a variety of inventive and creative works of art.  Extruder experts Tom and Jean Latka teach the basics of extruder use as well as how to make your own dies.  Step-by-step projects include napkin rings, vases, umbrella stands, wine coolers, planters, sconce lighting, platters, sculpture, and more.  12 projects with step-by-step instructions, photo gallery of works, solid and hollow extrusions, additive or subtractive methods of construction.

The Extruder Book

List Price: $44.95 20% OFF
Our Price: $35.96

Hardcover, 2000, 300 pages, 485 photos and illustrations, 174 in full color
Daryl Baird
This extensive how-to book emphasizes creative ways the clay extruder is being used in pottery studios.  It covers, in great detail, all commercially available extruders and associated equipment on the market today, ceramic artists using extruders, and includes a beautiful 96 page full color gallery exhibit of works created with the extruder.  Nine illustrated step by step projects offer valuable tips and ideas.  An impressive collection of more than 450 photos and drawings demonstrates the versatility and indispensability of the extruder and shows hundreds of ways for artists to improve and expand their work.  You will find numerous tips on selecting, buying, using, and making dies for your extruder as well as valuable inspiration for your work.

Extruded Ceramics

List Price: $27.95 20% OFF
Our Price: $22.36

144 pages, 100 color photos, 180 b/w photos, 8.5x11".  Lark Books.
Diana Pancioli
Most ceramics studios include an extruder, but many ceramicists have yet to explore the artistic possibilities of this simple tool.  With step-by-step instructions and hundreds of ho-to photos, Extruded Ceramics is a colorful and complete guide to this subject.  Ten projects, from simple cups and bowls to unusual vases and sculptural items, let readers learn the basics and then build on their skills.  An extensive color gallery of some of the best contemporary extruded work provides a wealth of inspiration.  An extruder is a simple machine consisting of a square of round barrel fitted with a hinged plunger on one end, and a die kept firmly in place by a holder at the enter end.  When you put clay in the extruder and plunge it through the barrel and die, you get a seamless form in a hollow or solid shape.  In this book you'll learn how to: Choose the type of extruder that works best for you.   Design and make your own dies.  Choose and formulate clay bodies for extrusion.  Use extrusions as support while handbuilding and using other clayworking techniques, with mold making and press molding as components of small and large clay works, for coil and handbuilding, to make tiles.  Create unique and attractive functional and sculptural works from platters to boxes, from teapots to countertops.

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