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What is Borescoping?

What is Borescoping?

 Borescoping is the technology of precision alignment of extruder barrels to drive gearboxes. This can be done using two types of equipment,  Visual and Laser. With the movement and vibration incurred during shipping and installation, borescoping is mandatory to prevent initial start up damage and unnecessary wear.


When do you need to have Borescoping done?

·        After all initial installations or relocations (even inches)

·        Within 1 year of installation

·        When screw shows abnormal wear

·        If machine has been exposed to a heavy blow (i.e. Fork truck collision)

·        After any barrel, thrust housing or gear box disassembly

·        Regularly – every two to three years


Why should Borescoping be done?

·        Cost savings through extended bearing, barrel/screw, and gearbox life

·        Elimination of costly:

  o       Production losses

o       Reductions in productivity

o       Scheduling headaches

Due to production equipment downtime.

Global ExtruderTech Consulting